From a devastating car wreck injury to recovery.

Among her doctors, there was disagreement about what would be possible for Beth Waddell if she lived. The consensus was that they should amputate her right foot, but her orthopedic surgeon argued for waiting. That this petite 46-year-old was still breathing was a miracle. She had survived a high impact collision on the highway. The police were stunned to find her alive inside her Kia Soul, which was mangled beyond recognition. She was alive, but both lungs had collapsed, she had internal injuries, and she had broken bones throughout her body – her arm, legs, pelvis, ribs, and skull were all fractured. Her right foot was crushed, but her doctor held out for one more miracle.

Beth Waddell's wrecked red Kia Soul car at a scrap yard with the front end smashed
Beth Waddell's wrecked red Kia Soul at junkyard in Bowling Green, Kentucky

Beth has always been a lively person. Before the crash she ran, did cross fit, danced, and worked in her yard. She has always loved a challenge. That grit would be crucial to her recovery. She would go on to have dozens of surgeries and years of therapy, slowly making her way from bedridden, to wheelchair, to walker, to walking, to dancing again. She still has pain and limitations, but those things do not define her life.

Beth Waddell stands with her walker in front of her house after her car accident wearing a 'bar fight don't ask' shirt

Beth is not just surviving, she is thriving.

Beth’s friends and family describe her as fiercely independent. One of the toughest adjustments for Beth was learning to let people help her. She needed her family and friends, her doctors and therapists, her lawyers and case workers. Beth is still independent and in control of her own life.

Accepting help just made her stronger. We are grateful to Beth for sharing her story and inspiring us all to see that we are stronger than we know.

Wearing your seat belt can save your life. Buckle up for Beth.

Picture of Cyndi Crocker

Cyndi Crocker

Cyndi Crocker is the managing partner of Crocker Law Firm. She has been a personal injury attorney for more than 25 years. She is licensed and practices law in Kentucky and Tennessee.  Cyndi has lectured frequently on law firm organization and management.  She presents information to the public about issues in the law through Legally Speaking, a segment that can be viewed on WBKO.


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