Each year, the Crocker Law Firm Teen Angel Donation Blast is held at Starbucks on Scottsville Road in Bowling Green. You can find our volunteers standing in the drive-thru, collecting donations to fund the Teen Angel program during the event. As the day comes to an end, Crocker Law Firm matches the dollar amount of donations collected. With the match in 2020, the one-day event raised a total of $25,808, ensuring every teen on the program’s list was provided for.

After years of working with Bowling Green and Warren County families, Community Education and school resource officers saw a need for more programs that served teenagers. As they sought out ways to close the gap in programming, the Teen Angel program was brought to life. 

Teen Angel is a Christmas assistance program in Warren County that picks up where Angel Tree, a program designed to benefit kids up to the age of 12, leaves off. The program, officially run by the organization “Vision,” collects money to purchase warm clothes and personal items teens need to make it through the school year. The gifts are distributed to parents and guardians before the holiday, allowing them to provide for their students on Christmas morning. 

Knowing that every teen is worth investing in, Crocker Law Firm found a home with this program in the form of a matching partner. 

If you or someone you know has a child enrolled in school in Bowling Green or Warren County between the ages of 13-18 and would like to apply for assistance from the Teen Angel program in 2021, you can do so until November 12 online at https://www.commed.us/teen-angel/. After this date, contact Community Education directly by calling (270) 842- 4281.  

We hope to see you at this year’s Crocker Law Firm Teen Angel Donation Blast on Friday, December 3!

Picture of Whitney Kinslow

Whitney Kinslow

Raised just down the road in Scottsville, Kentucky Whitney Kinslow now calls Bowling Green home. She is a self-proclaimed food and travel junkie, having traveled to 6 countries in the last 8 years. When she isn’t coordinating Crocker Law Firm’s next event, she and her husband, Sam can often be found exploring their own town, forever finding new “favorite” places and spaces.


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